martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Father's Day

Father's Day or Father's Day is a day of commemoration in which the father takes place within the family.

Some history

In Spain and most nearly all countries, Father's Day is March 19 to mark the feast of St. Joseph, the father of Jesus. But in the U.S. and most countries in the Americas, this holiday is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. This is mainly an American lady named Sonora Dodd. In 1909 she made this proposal as it wished there was a special day to honor her father, William Dodd, a veteran of the Civil War who was widowed when his wife died while giving birth to her sixth child. Alone and without support, assumed the task of raising and educating their six children on a farm in eastern Washington state.


In Germany, there are two celebrations associated with Father's Day. On the one hand Vatertag held on 21 May, Ascension Day of Jesus and is a national holiday. On the other hand, is a traditional celebration Herrentag consisting of a trip just climbing a mountain men with carts with wine or beer and regional food (Leberwurst, Blutwurst, etc.).

Latin America

In most Latin American countries, as in the United States and Canada, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. On this day is celebrated uncles, grandparents and parents in general.

In Bolivia and Honduras, is celebrated on March 19, the day of San José by the Catholic tradition (the patron saint of carpenters), according to the Bible, St. Joseph, the adoptive father of Jesus was a carpenter. In Brazil, however, is held every second Sunday of August in the Dominican Republic celebrated the last Sunday of July, and in Guatemala and El Salvador the feast is on 17 June.


In Argentina, was celebrated for the first time on August 24, 1958, in honor of José de San Martín, called "Father of the Fatherland. " But then he changed the third Sunday in June, when we celebrate today.

United States
In America the first modern celebration of Father's Day is due to the idea of Mrs. Sonora Smart Dodd, who was attending a Mass to mark the day of the mother who had just celebrated two years, he decided to do another mass for honor his father, a Civil War veteran who was widowed by leaving five children and raising them in an exemplary manner. Originally the idea was that the Mass will be held on June 5, the birthday of Mr. Smart, but for the haste in preparing the date was decided to run for two weeks.

Thus, the first Father's Day was held in Washington on June 19, 1910. The voice had spread and people joined the celebrations. Masses were celebrated as a tribute to parents in other U.S. cities. Officially celebrated in the United States since 1924, when President Calvin Coolidge, declared as national holiday. In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a proclamation declaring the 3rd. Sunday of June as the date for the celebration of Father's Day 

Holy Week

MEXICO:Holy Week in Mexico as in Colombia also celebrates the ordeal, but for example on Saturday of glory they keep a very old tradition as it is known to throw water to have even strangers to celebrate the glory has been opened a bath.

ESTADOS UNIDOS:in the United States is very common to us the celebration of Easter, but due to the high demand for immigrants with Catholic faith who have moved to this country have taken some traditions such as processions. Miami and Good Friday highlights the procession of the Virgin de la Esperanza Macarena.


 ARGENTINA: During Holy Week the liquor stores are closed nationwide.Power consumption is seafood, since most of the inhabitantsbelong to the Catholic religion to respect the fasting andabstaining from red meat. Typically they prepare for thecelebrations bean tamales, honey, cauliflower, honey, sweet potato, taro and sweet pies chiverre.
The places of religious importance during the Holy Week celebrations are in Santo Domingo de Heredia, payingreverence to the image of Jesus Nazareno tercentenary of Solace, visited and venerated by the faithful and foreign,processions thrive in beautifully decorated and image loadedinto scaffolding on the streets of the city out of the Basilica de Santo Domingo. The image of Christ the Lord recalls tied in column (Wednesday), as Lord King of the taunts (Holy Thursday) and the Cross (Good Friday).
Good Friday is celebrated the solemn procession of the HolyBurial, the image of Christ is carried in a tomb with gold platingand crystals, accompanying him in procession the image ofOur Lady of Sorrows.


ITALIA: Processions in Sicily, Campania, Calabria and Apulia, mainly.Highlights the city of Enna, Trapani, Nocera Terinese, Sorrento,Molfetta, Messina and Taranto. In the north only on Holy Thursday, Good Friday or Holy Saturday. Besides 
thecelebration of the Cross by Pope in the Vatican.

EUROPA: During this period are common processions, which paradeddifferent fraternities and sororities with images that may well beholding its mysteries steps or steps canopy. The celebration of Holy Week in Seville, Granada, Cartagena, Cáceres, Cuenca, Hellin, Leon, Lorca, Malaga, Medina de Rioseco, Salamanca,Valladolid, Zamora, Orihuela and the Procession of the Palms ofElche Easter are declared International Tourist Interest.

PERU: In Lima are old, traditional processions or "penitential Seasons"tothe Plaza Mayor, departing from the Good Friday until Easter Sunday processions of the various temples of the city, withextraordinary, varied and beautiful sculptures that show the stepsPassion and the Sorrows of the Virgin, works the glorious past that he received by being the most important city in colonial times. InAyacucho are celebrating the most famous of the territory, withAndean characteristics and traditions such as burning the litterthatch and decorated with ornaments of wax, being the mostfamous procession of the Encounter on Holy Wednesday andEaster Sunday the imposing anda cover Risen Christ candle.


A solstice is an astronomical event that happens twice each year when the Sun's apparent position in the sky reaches its northernmost or southernmost extremes. The name is derived from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstices, the Sun stands still in declination[citation needed]; that is, the apparent movement of the Sun's path north or south comes to a stop before reversing direction.
The term solstice can also be used in a broader sense, as the date (day) when this occurs. The solstices, together with the equinoxes, are connected with the seasons. In some cultures they are considered to start or separate the seasons, while in others they fall nearer the middle.
 Definitions and frames of reference
Of the many ways in which solstice can be defined, one of the most common (and perhaps most easily understood) is by the astronomical phenomenon for which it is named, which is readily observable by anyone on Earth: a "sun-standing." This modern scientific word descends from a Latin scientific word in use in the late Roman republic of the 1st century BC: solstitium. Pliny uses it a number of times in his Natural History with the same meaning that it has today. It contains two Latin-language segments, sol, "sun", and -stitium, "stoppage."